Here you'll find the products I am suggesting the firm order for the technology improvement project. I've indicated the quantity I'm recommending for each item as well.

Components for Paul

1 - This Dell has the highest-level Dell CPU (Core i7), gobs of RAM, and a huge hard drive.

1 - 24" is my favorite monitor size for my customers. It's a wonderful way to work.

1 - This is actually for Mary. A new surge protector for under her desk to replace the ancient one she has now.

Networking Components

1 - A new router to run the new network.

2 - The greatest wireless access points I've ever used. These would replace the devices you have in the basement and top floor.

2 - New gigabit switches will improve the speed with which the computers on your network access information on other computers.

1 - This would replace the current switch you have in the basement that all your computers are connected to.

Components for the firm

1 - This is the NAS device that I'm suggesting to your firm. This will store all your data in a RAID array, so it's accessible and secure.

2 - Two of these drives will be mirrored so if one fails a new one can just be swapped in.

(alternative) 1 - This NAS device offers more potential storage space than the DS214.